Data for Planetary Geology Exercise on Lava Flow Morphology and Dynamics

Download the data

These are standard data products from the US Geological Survey.

Download this zipped package to your desktop and unzip it:
GIS data (112 Mb)--save to desktop and unzip

Launch Arc Map and load the files

See the discussion on how to get ArcMap running at this location: Using ASU MyApps to get ArcMap running.
  1. Start with a new empty map:
  2. In ArcMap, Click on File-->Open and navigate to the "SP_for_PV.mxd" project file for the assignment from within the unzipped PV directory. It can be hard to find your local machine and the desktop on it using citrix. Don't be confused! You need to go to Computer->C$->Users->your name on your computer->Desktop->PV. It will be slow because it has to move a lot of files across the network.

Work with the data and do the assignment

  1. Now you can turn layers on and off by clicking the check box next to the layer:
  2. You can navigate, zoom, and measure distances using the various tools on the tool bar:

Measuring topographic profiles across the flow

To measure the topographic profiles across the flow, you need to use the 3D Analyst toolbar. Follow these steps to set it up and use it:
  1. Turn the 3D Analyst extension on: Tools->Extensions and click on 3D Analyst and close.
  2. Launch the 3D analyst tool bar: View->Toolbars->3D Analyst.
  3. To draw profiles, make sure the Layer is SP_DEM in the 3D Analyst toolbar, and then click on Interpolate Line"
  4. Click once with the Interpolate line tool on the beginning point of the profile and double click on the end point:
  5. To display the resting topographic profile, click on Create Profile Graph:
  6. The resulting topographic profile appears. You can adjust the labels, etc. by right clicking on the plot itself and manipulating the properties and advanced properties. You can also export the profile data:
  • Important! It appears that the CITRIX system has a timeout such that after a certain amount of time of inactivity, your connection will become dead or just behave oddly. If this happens, go back to the initial CITRIX screen in your web browser and log out. Connect again as you did to begin with and it should run fine.