GLG410--Computers in Earth and Space Exploration

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Flow control in Matlab using IF


This is the second lecture on what is called "control flow" in programming. We will use IF statements to control what Matlab excecutes.

IF statemens

Help on IF statements can be found here.

Execute statements if condition is true
if expression
elseif expression
if expression, statements, end evaluates an expression, and
executes a group of statements when the expression is true.

elseif and else are optional, and execute statements only when
previous expressions in the if block are false.
An if block can include multiple elseif statements.

Example 1

>> a = 1;
>> if a==1
disp('Hello World')

Hello World

Example 2

>> b = 10;
>> if b == 10
disp('Value is exactly 10')
disp('Value is not 10, try again')

Value is exactly 10
>> b = 5;
>> if b == 10
disp('Value is exactly 10')
disp('Value is not 10, try again')

Value is not 10, try again

Example 3

Here is a sample script which demonstrates more complex flow control.

if length(X)>500
    disp('That is a long vector')
elseif length(X)==1
    fprintf('I made your vector %d elements long\n',length(X))
    disp('Your vector is sufficiently long')
Video explanation:

Example 4

This example for IF statements and For loops comes directly from the Matlab documentation on IF.
% Preallocate a matrix
nrows = 10;
ncols = 10;
myData = ones(nrows, ncols);

% Loop through the matrix
for r = 1:nrows
   for c = 1:ncols

      if r == c
         myData(r,c) = 2;
      elseif abs(r - c) == 1
         myData(r,c) = -1;
         myData(r,c) = 0;


Video explanation:

Example applied to Yellowstone Earthquakes

This example applies to a question from last class: How to control plotting of text.
       if length(locations)~=0
            s = sprintf('%2.1f',mean_depth);
            text(long, lat, s);
Video explanation:

Assignment 7: Japan Earthquake Analysis - Gridding and Image Plotting

For this assignment, assemble the operations of from the tutorials of "for loops" and image plotting using the Yellowstone seismicity data. Apply it to these data from 2011 from northern Japan:
japaneqs.txt. Note that the column order is different from that of the Yellowstone data. I downloaded them from this site: Cut and paste the commands from the lecture into a Matlab m-file (script). Include comments in the script that tell the user what each group of commands is doing. Use functions to keep your code organized.

Build a web page for this assignment that contains the following:
  1. A plot of magnitude versus time. What does it show? Note that the time is decimal days from the beginning of 2011.
  2. (3D Plot) Plot 3D locations of earthquakes. Choose a good view orientation
  3. For 3 different resolutions (stepsize = 0.5, 1, and 2 degrees)):
  4. A link to your M-files (Matlab script and functions) used to make these plots
  5. Discussion: How does this seismicity pattern demonstrate the behavior of the subduction zone earthquakes: what is their time variationand what is the geometry of the seismicity cloud? How does that geometry relate to the tectonic setting?
Grading Rubric (50 points): Assignment is due Tuesday, October 18, 2011.

GLG410 Computers in Earth and Space Exploration

Last modified: October 11, 2011