GLG410/598--Computers in Geology

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GLG 410/598 Computers in Geology. (3) Geological computer skills including data processing, visualization, presentation, numerical analysis, software and hardware applications. Satisfies General Studies CS Requirement: (computer/statistics/quantitative applications (CS) applies mathematical reasoning and requires students to complete a course in either the use of statistics/quantitative analysis or the use of the computer to assist in serious analytical math work)

Ramón Arrowsmith
PSF 640
Office hours: by appt.
Office #: 965-3541

Teaching Assistant:
Olaf Zielke
PSF 477
Office hours: MW 1-2 pm in his office. Make an appointment to meet in the SESEICF.
Office #: 965-4053

Classroom: PS H461
Monday and Wednesday lecture/lab 5-7 pm
GLG410 (undergraduate students) line #: 77933, 3 units

GLG598 (graduate students--who will have higher expectations and additional class assignments) line #: 77965, 3 units

No Textbook; only handouts and web pages


Why Computers in Geology (Geological Sciences)? As geocientists, we try to understand the physical processes that operate within and on the earth and other planets and to interpret the history of geologic events, evaluate active events, and anticipate future ones. To do so, we use the conceptual tools of physics, chemistry, biology, and mathematics and our geoscientific intuition. As we work, we often gather and need to manage datasets. To progress in our understanding, we compare them with other datasets and with conceptual or theoretical models of how the earth or other planets work. Computers help us to learn about and gain intuition related to our conceptual tools, and they help us to manage and manipulate our datasets and often to generate predictions that we compare with our data (Hypothesis-testing). Computers in themselves are only the means to get to the understanding, evaluation, and anticipation that we seek. We have to be careful to be scientists (geoscience leads the activity), rather than technicians (the method or tool or computer leads the activity).

Practically speaking, there are many different angles to the question of what should geoscientists know about computers and their use. I think that you can put it two ways: 1) knowledge of the specific applications and mixtures of applications necessary to gather and manipulate data and models and to present the results, and 2) knowledge of the general role of computers in our society and in the world today. There is a growing gap between the people who understand and know how to use computers, and those who do not. You need to be on the side of the former. A related and important topic is what geoscientists should know about mathematics, physics, and chemistry.

A dilemma that I see for this course is where we should put our feet between specific applications, general literacy, and analytical tools. We will try to steer the class somewhere in the range of equal time among these, with a slightly greater emphasis on the analytical aspects because that can be harder to learn by yourself.

Objectives, approach, outline, and grading

This course is designed to teach analytical thinking in geological sciences using computing applications. As such, it is intended to satisfy the University's General Studies CS requirements (see above). The class is aimed at the advanced undergraduate and beginning graduate students in our school.

The modular approach permits the course to focus on different earth science problems varying from hardware and data input/output, Internet applications, 3D visualization, simulation, and presentation of results. At the end of the course, the students are expected to be able to solve geological problems using computers. Therefore, they should be familiar with operating systems, typical software applications, and the basic programming tools of the Internet, visualization, and simulation.

The 3 credit hour course consists of two days of 2 hour combined lectures/labs.

Grades are 70% for quizzes, lab, and homework exercises and 30% for a project presented to the class.

Grades will not be assigned on a curve. There is not a predetermined number of As, Bs, or Cs. You are competing against my expectations, not your classmates. I have different expectations for graduate students taking this course. I will occasionally post point totals so you can see how you are doing. The way to get a good grade in this course is consistent productivity. Don't miss any assignments, and keep up with the lectures, the labs, and the reading. If you have questions or difficulties, see me or Olaf.

Note: Any student who feels that he or she may need accommodations for any sort of physical or learning disability, please speak to me after class, make an appointment to see Ramon or Olaf.

GLG410/598 Computers in Geology

Last modified: August 20, 2007