GLG410/598--Computers in Geology

Announcements Syllabus Schedule Weekly lecture notes Links

Weekly Lecture Notes

Week 1:
8/20 &

Introduction to Computers in Geology
Introduction and HTML continued
Weeks 2 and 3:
8/27, 8/29 & 9/4

Addressing Scientific Questions with Spreadsheets
Excel warm up exercise
Excel warm up exercise 2
Excel warm up exercise 3
Week 4:

Data visualization
Excel help reminder
Week 5 and part of 6:
9/17, 9/19, & 9/24
Basic statistics in a spreadsheet
Curve Fitting
Week 6, continued:
Introduction to Geographic Information Systems
Week 7:
10/1 & 10/3
Simple Image processing and getting images into ArcGIS

Reference Datum
Map Projections
UTM - Universal Transverse Mercator Geographic Coordinate System
UTM zones of the world
State Plane
Excellent Reference:
Cartographical Map Projections
Mercator projection, etc.
Week 8
10/8 & 10/10
Using CITRIX on ASU systems to access ArcGIS and other applications
Tutorial to acquire Digital Elevation Data from USGS site and process them in ArcGIS
Week 9
Small tutorial on ArcSCENE to merge elevation data and air photos for 3D visualization
3D analyst and 3D visualization in ArcGIS--DOn't forget about ArcGlobe!!
ASU's Decision Theater--large scale interactive visualization
Assignment 8: DEMs and USGS' Seamless site
Week 10
10/22 and 10/24
GEON and Cyberinfrastructure
GEON Overview image
National Center for Airborne Laser Mapping Overview
Lidar overview from GEON
LiDAR and active faulting studies
Mt St. Helens LiDAR monitoring
Mt. St. Helens 2004 animation of lava dome growth from repeat LiDAR
More cool Mount Saint Helens LiDAR and other imagery

GEON LiDAR Workflow and ArcMap--tutorial Sample Wallace Creek area 0.5 m DEM--14Mb can be slow to download.
Assignment due Weds, 10/31/2007 on your web page: Produce the following maps of the Wallace Creek area:
  1. Hillshade
  2. Nicely colored DEM semi transparent over the hillshade
  3. 1 m and 2 m contour interval maps over the hillshade
  4. Topographic profiles across the scarp southeast of Wallace Creek and along Wallace Creek. Follow the tutorial and export them as Excel files. Plot them neatly in Excel. Note that these are the two profiles you produced by hand back in an early exercise).
  5. Using the measurement tool, measure the offset of the main channel and the beheaded one (the big curving one to the NW). How far are they offset? If radiocarbon dating indicates that the main Wallace Creek channel formed (and was straight and perpendicular to the fault) at 3700 years ago, what is the average slip rate (offset divede by age)?
  6. Using the measurement tool, determine the amount of offset indicated by the little offsets to the southeast of Wallace Creek. How far are they offset? We assume that those formed in the last great earthquake. If you know the slip rate (just calculated), and we assume that the fault will be ready to fail again once the slip accumulates up to what was released before, how much time might we expect between earthquakes (divide the offset by the slip rate to get a time). If the last earthquake was 1857, are we due for an earthquake (hazard assessment is much more tricky than this, but it is quick estimate).
Week 11
10/29 and 10/31

This week we will start to georeference maps and images.
Georeferencing raster data in ArcGIS
Week 12

Georeferencing raster data in ArcGIS
Basic features in ArcMap--Shapefiles
Week 13
Field Exercise at Dreamy Draw
Week 14
Field Exercise at Dreamy Draw
Digitizing the geologic map in ArcMap
Processing the survey data
Week 15
11/26 & 11/28
Query and processing of vectors
Overview of Fissure, Gravity, and Subsidence studies by Paul Ivanich, ASU M.S. and Arizona Department of Water Resources: (.ppt) and some movies of runoff into fissures: .MOV and .MOV
Week 16
Processing rasters with raster calculator: application to landscape reconstruction

GLG410/598 Computers in Geology

Last modified: December 9, 2007