Due Date | Title |
Tuesday, August 25, 2015 at midnight |
Assignment 1: Introductory Poll |
Wednesday, August 26, 2015 at class |
Assignment 2: Setting up a web page at ASU |
Wednesday, September 2, 2015 before class |
Assignment 3: Build your class website |
Friday, September 11 by 5 pm |
Assignment 4: Warm up Excel exercises |
Wednesday, September 16, 2015 before class |
Assignment 5: Simple Excel statistics and histogram |
Wednesday, September 23 by the beginning of class |
Assignment 6: Geostatistics and business analysis of Zn vein extraction |
Monday, September 28 by the beginning of class |
Assignment 7: Thinking about graphical excellence |
Monday, October 5 by the beginning of class |
Assignment 8: Diffusion modeling in Excel |
Wednesday, October 14, 2015 by the beginning of class |
Assignment 9: Analysis of Oklahoma Seismicity data |
Wednesday, October 21, 2015 by the beginning of class |
Assignment 10: River Discharge Function |
Wednesday, October 28 by the beginning of class |
Assignment 11: ASTER image processing for the greater Phoenix Arizona area |
Wednesday, November 4 by the beginning of class |
Assignment 12: Digital Elevation Models, Orthoimagery and the USGS' National Map |
Monday, November 16 by the beginning of class |
Assignment 13: Simple presentation test |
Monday, November 23 by the beginning of class |
Assignment 14: Studying landscape change with historic aerial photography |
Monday,November 30 by the beginning of class |
Assignment 15: Erosion Magnitude and Rate for Mesa Terrace near ASU |
Tuesday, December 8 by 5 pm |
Assignment 16: Structure from Motion model |