GLG410--Computers in Earth and Space Exploration

Announcements Syllabus Schedule Weekly lecture notes Assignments Links Term Project

Weekly Lecture Notes

Week 1:
8/24 & 8/26

Introduction to Computers in Earth and Space Exploration
Introduction to HTML
Week 2:
8/31 & 9/2
Addressing Scientific Questions with Spreadsheets
Earth science problems to solve with a spreadsheet
Week 3:
Addressing Scientific Questions with Spreadsheets
Earth science problems to solve with a spreadsheet
Week 4:
9/14 & 9/16
Basic statistics in a spreadsheet: histograms, frequency, skewness
Curve fitting and the Solver using Excel
Week 5:
9/21 & 9/23
Data visualization and information design
Exploring diffusion using Excel
Week 6:
9/28 & 9/30
Exploring diffusion using Excel
Introduction to Matlab
Week 7:
10/5 & 10/7
Introduction to Matlab
Matlab scripting and simple data analysis
Array subsetting with True-False matrices and FIND in Matlab
Week 8:
Simple programming in Matlab
Graphical Interaction with Plots and Subsetting in Matlab
Week 9:
10/19 & 10/21
Simple programming in Matlab
Graphical Interaction with Plots and Subsetting in Matlab
Simple looping and matrix construction in Matlab
Flow control in Matlab using IF
Simple Image Processing using Matlab
Week 10:
10/26 & 10/28
Introduction to Geographic Information Systems
Digital Elevation Models and Simple Maps in ArcMap
Enhanced imagery visualization in ArcScene
Week 11:
Georeferencing raster data in ArcMap
Week 12:
Basic features in ArcMap--Shapefiles
Getting Camtasia going to produce a narrated video of your presentation
Week 13:
11/16 & 11/18
Assignment 14: Studying landscape change with historic aerial photography
Query and processing of vector data with application to Arizona seismic hazard
Combining analysis of rasters and vectors: application to landscape reconstruction
Week 12:
11/23 & 11/25
Using KML to Import Points and Image Overlays into Google Earth
Next generation data exploration and visualization tools: GeoMapApp
Week 12:
11/30 & 12/1
Structure from Motion: 3D modeling for earth and space science applications

GLG410 Computers in Earth and Space Exploration

Last modified: November 30, 2015